Monday, September 7, 2015

Welcome class of Fall 2015

Hello and welcome to our class blog for the Fall semester 2015. We are going to do an exercise during our first class and you will be able to share your results here. There is a link to the blog from the Moodle page in case you forget the address (LIS471Fall15.blogspot).

Several assignments during the semester will require you to post your work on this site. This enables you to see each other's work and also means that you can write in a slightly less than academic idiom - but you will still need to do things like include footnotes and proper citations as required, check spelling and grammar accuracy, and write clearly and concisely.

I've just come back from a research trip to London so I'm still a bit jet lagged but that doesn't mean I'm not ready to get the class off to a good start. I look forward to meeting you all and getting to know you through the semester. I hope that the class will give you an appreciation of the role that photography plays in both our lives and in the world of documentation and archiving.

Studying the effect of photography on hypogryphs

Self portrait with model of Hogwarts for scale

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