Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Documentary Photography: Pride Week Great Britain Edition

This Photograph is titled G.B. England. GB. ENGLAND. Brighton. Pride Week. 2005, and was taken by Stuart Franklin. I choose this photograph because I found it intriguing. Before I read the title, I saw these men dressed as Wonder Woman, and I wanted to know why. After reading the title and gaining some insight, I decided to look up the photographer to see more of his work and find the context or this image. My idea of Documentary Photography is photographs, or a series of photographs, that tell a story have historical value. Stuart Franklin's image is from Pride Week, the context surrounding that, Gay Rights, LGBTQA Community, etc. makes this a historically valuable portrait.

Franklin, Stuart. G.B. England. GB. ENGLAND. Brighton. Pride Week. 2005. ArtSTOR. Magnum Collection. LON73007.jpg

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