Monday, September 14, 2015

Documentary Photo- Protestors

I chose this documentary photo because it represents the political unrest I witnessed as a child in 1968 in the mid-west part of the USA. People were going out on the streets and protesting unfair treatment -in this case the International League of Garment Workers Union (ILGWU)  members protesting the arrest of fellow Union members for picketing. It also reminds me of some current events in the same part of the country today. To me a documentary photo is supposed to capture a moment in "history" and this one represents this to me.
I like the composition of the white placards against the serious-looking determined people in the chilly night in this black and white photo.

TitleAfrican American workers picket with placards announcing their strike against the Wentworth Manufacturing Company and decrying police behavior and arrests of co-workers, 1968.
RepositoryKheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives, Martin P. Catherwood Library, Cornell University

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