Monday, November 30, 2015

Digitization Projects

This first one is of images pertaining to the Cambodian Genocide. It's incredibly sad, as any images of Human Rights Violations always are, but it was very interesting. Users also have the ability to send information to the Cambodian Genocide Program about any of the victims photographs. You can either search photographs or click on the link for a slideshow of the prisoners/victims that were photographed.

The next one is from University of Austin Texas and consists of the Bob Bailey Studio Photographic Archives Collection. It documents the growth of Houston Texas spanning from the 1930s to the 1990s. I found it interesting to see what life was like in Texas during this time period and there's even  this one of women, "Red Cross Workers" changing a tire!

Located on last pg. <>

The last one is from the Harvard Library and is a collection of Hedda Morrison's photographs from when she was in China from 1933-1946. Harvard also holds 10,000 of her negatives as well. It's a very interesting collection and out of the three, my favourite!

Thanks for viewing.

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