"I am a pack of nerves while waiting for the moment, and this feeling grows and grows and grows and then it explodes, it is a physical joy, a dance, space and time reunited."
Behind the Gare Saint-Lazare, Paris. (JStor/Henri Cartier-Bresson) |
decisive moment, “that instant when a shutter click can suspend an
event within the eye and heart of the beholder, an exhilarating
confluence of observer and observed.” (Friend, 2003, p. 282) It is a moment in time, a shot taken by a photographer that captures
and creates a beautiful image, perhaps even an image considered to be “iconic,” to stand the test
of time. It evokes emotion from the viewer, provides a glimpse of
history in action, and has the framing and aesthetic to be
eye-catching. It is a confluence of technology, timing, vision,
energy and luck. From the modern perspective, with digital media
becoming so prevalent, is the decisive moment still as important? Has
it ever been anything other than pure chance? Does the saturation of
images in our daily lives question the validity of a decisive moment;
has it simply lost its value?
brutally honest and with a penchant for provocation, Henri
Cartier-Bresson stated in an interview with Vanity
Fair that,
"Every Tom, Dick, and Harry is a photographer," (Friend, 2003, p. 283) which certainly seems to hold true today. 2003, the year of
Cartier-Bresson's interview, was the first time that digital cameras
out-sold film cameras, and by 2006 63% of all households owned a
digital camera (Lang, 2010, p. 18). In the present day, it's nearly impossible to find someone without a
camera in their pocket due to the incredible popularity of camera
phones and social applications such as Instagram, Snapchat and the
ilk. iPhone photography has become incredibly popular, thanks in part
to books such as The
Best Camera is the One That's With You,
by Chase Jarvis and hip stores like Urban Outfitters and Photojojo
selling camera accessories, for your smartphone. But
simply because virtually everyone has a camera, that doesn't
necessarily mean everyone is taking good pictures, or capturing that
decisive moment. (Or is even necessarily trying to.) As discussed by
Kelsey, the sheer number of photographs taken does increase
the probability of the capture of an image that is iconic, whether
intended or otherwise (2009) though more is needed to create a photograph that is intentionally iconic.
only blame technology for this perceived “decline” in the idea of
the decisive moment would be far too simple. It was, in fact,
technology that progressed photography to the point of
photojournalism. 35mm film and the Leica camera were what
Cartier-Bresson began catching his decisive moments with, providing
the ability to move freely about an event as it happened. As stated
in Friend's Vanity
article, “In an old film clip included in a 1994 documentary by
director Sarah Moon, Cartier-Bresson can be seen, camera in hand, at
a parade, bobbing and dipping, darting and weaving, focusing and
refocusing, balancing on one reed-thin leg like some stork with a
beret and a Leica, hurriedly trying to view all perspectives before
the perfect one passes.” (2003, p. 294) Without fast-enough film to
capture the moment, photography never would have moved past the still
post-battle scenes of Brady's time.
Celebrating May Day, Estonia, Soviet Union. (JStor/Henri Cartier-Bresson) |
describes his experiences capturing the decisive moment as anything
but cerebral. Speaking to Friend, he notes, “You mustn't know too
much. There's nothing to know. Cats know more than human beings on
the subject. Cats sniffle: sniff-sniff. Intuition. People use brains
too much.”
p. 292) It is described by Kelsey as an “ideal
of feline quickness and Zen-like immersion in temporal flow,”
(2009, p. 73). The ability to “feel” the moment, move and respond
quickly is seemingly a large part of capturing a decisive moment,
though there is most certainly a need for vision and a knowledge of
aesthetics to intentionally seek and capture the moment itself.
Richmond's 2004 article speaks almost entirely to both the philosophy
of beauty and aesthetics and its practical application, if you will,
in Cartier-Bresson's photography. If the decisive moment is meant to
evoke an emotional reaction from the viewer, or if it is to be
considered “art” then skill in aesthetics is a necessity. As
Richmond states, “The photographer's experience at this point
cannot be described easily. The light, the mood, the feeling, the
tones and textures, and subject and form become as one. It is as if
a connection has been made that cuts through the ordinary and
mundane.” (2004, p. 86).
idea of chance and probability is inevitable when it comes to iconic
photographs. However, when Kelsey states that, “[Rosenthal's iconic
Iwo Jima flag photograph] was selected for mass distribution and
celebration because its mundane evidentiary function was wrapped in
exquisite pictorial stuff.” (2009, p. 66) the discrediting of the
photographer's aesthetic eye is very much discredited. Chance does
play a part in creating iconic imagery (so much of life is simply
being at the right place at the right time), but more often than not
in combination with photographic skill does the decisive moment
happen intentionally.
An American flag is raised atop Mt. Suribachi, Iwo Jima, on Feb. 23, 1945. (AP Photo/Joe Rosenthal) |
a different point is brought up in Kelsey's statement. Rosenthal's
image was selected for mass production, a significantly less common
event in 1945 than today. With the common use of the internet for
social sharing of media, anyone with a camera can likely publish
their work. Videos go viral frequently. Media, advertising and the
like use photography for nearly everything (sometimes they don't even pay for it). It could be argued that
the vast quantity of images and the extensive avenues of
proliferation throw another layer of chance into the promotion of
would-be iconic photographs today. This idea, coupled with the fact
that “anyone can be a photographer” does seem to cast some doubt
on whether or not the decisive moment is still relevant today.
a photographer, I have experienced many decisive moments, some
captured, some missed, though all enjoyed. If one is looking to
become famous from capturing that one “lucky” moment today, I do
believe they are out of luck. We are constantly steeped in images,
some good, most bad, few great. I believe the decisive moment is
still relevant to creating a great photograph. Though it may be
easier than ever to capture that moment with digital cameras, burst
shutter mode, automatic focus and the new gadgets technology has
provided for us, skill and visual literacy do still have a huge
impact on what makes or breaks the photo. In my undergraduate
program, I had a photography professor who believed, “A good
photographer can take a photograph of anything mundane and make it
visually interesting.” While I believe this is true (and testament
to developing a photographic eye), the photos that we consider iconic
do need a blending of chance, the photographer must be present in the
moment, observing the world around them. It's one of the pleasures of
photography, both to the photographer and the viewer. As Henri
Cartier-Bresson describes, “To take photographs is to hold one's
breath when all faculties converge in the face of fleeing reality. It
is at that moment that mastering an image becomes a great physical
and intellectual joy.” (1999, p. 16) Robinson echos from a viewer's
perspective, “There is a kind of shock or frisson
at seeing something so individual, complete and potently real.”
(2004, p. 86)
the time of singular iconic photographs passed?” may need to be the
question asked today. The over-saturation of images brought about by
technology, media and the expanse of resources at our disposal make
it seem that way, if image value is thought of like economics.
However, this does not mean the decisive moment is meaningless, or
its value truly lessened. Photographic skill, vision and desire to be
“in the moment,” capturing the world around us are as important
today as they were in the past to create a beautiful photograph. Just
because “anyone can be a photographer,” does not mean everyone
will be a good photographer. In my opinion, value isn't lessened by
greater supply (unless you're really looking to get famous off of one
image...). Good, bad and great photographs are still being taken,
photographers are feeling and capturing Cartier-Bresson's decisive
moment and the images are being made available for people to see.
The River Seine. 1955. (JStor/Henri Cartier-Bresson) |
Baetens, J. (2009). Is a photograph worth a thousand films? Visual Studies, 24(2), 143–148.
Cartier-Bresson, H. (1999). The Mind’s Eye: Writings on Photography and Photographers (First). New York: Aperture.
Chase, J. (2009). The Best Camera is the One That's with You: Iphone Photography by Chase Jarvis. Thousand Oaks: New Oaks Publishing.
Friend, D. (2003). Cartier-Bresson’s Decisive Moment. Vanity Fair, (511), 282.
Kelsey, R. (2009). Of Fish, Birds, Cats, Mice, Spiders, Flies, Pigs, and Chimpanzees: How Chance Casts the Historic Action Photograph into Doubt. History & Theory, 48(4), 59–76.
Lang, D. (2010). Digitizing the Decisive Moment. Visual Anthropology Review, 26(1), 17–24.
Marien, M. (2012). The Decisive Moment. In 100 Ideas that Changed Photography. London: Laurence King.
Photojojo. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://photojojo.com/.
Richmond, S. (2004). Remembering Beauty: Reflections on Kant and Cartier-Bresson for Aspiring Photographers. Journal of Aesthetic Education, 38(1), 78.
Search: Urban Outfitters (2015). Retrieved from http://www.urbanoutfitters.com/urban/catalog/search.jsp?q=photography#/.
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